Mitchell 1

Connect More Customers To Your Manager SE System With VOYO Telematics Services

by Tim McDonnell

Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

Receive Vehicle Service Alerts Directly in Manager SE

We’re excited to bring a new level of connectivity to our shop management customers with the integration of VOYOLink telematics service with Manager SE.  Voyomotive offers the most advanced telematics on the market, including their VOYOLink web-based platform and VOYO OBD-II devices that are installed in connected vehicles.

VOYO’s integration with Manager SE enables customer vehicles to seamlessly send DTCs and other telematic data directly to your shop’s Manager SE system. The VOYO OBD-II controllers are plug-and-play devices that connect vehicle owners to Manager SE-equipped repair shops.

The device is connected to the vehicle 24/7, providing scan tool-level diagnostics and consumer safety features.  The devices are paired with a VOYO Mobile app for consumers and small fleets; the application also integrates with 3rd party analytics and applications.

Already a Manager SE Customer? Claim your Shop for FREE Today!


Getting Started

When logging into the VOYOLink account, you will be directed to your shop’s landing page. This page will have information on VOYOLink news and updates as well as earned commissions for affiliate sales.

You will also find more information on the site including short training videos and a Frequently Asked Questions section.

Once you have claimed your shop, you will be able to add additional information to your shop profile. This includes your company logo, amenities offered by the shop, and more information on vehicles supported and services offered.

How-To Claim Your Shop:

  • Go to url:
  • Search for your shops and use the “Claim” button.
  • An email will be sent to the email used for your Manager SE account.
  • The email will enable you to create a login and secure password.
  • Your Manager SE account is ready to receive diagnostic data from the VOYOLink platform
  • You will also be able to provide more detailed information for your shop profile page.
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

Customers link to shops: Search Page

  • Customer can log into the VOYOLink site and searches for shops to connect to.
  • Uses the Link button to send an Onboarding request to a shop.
  • Link requests can be accepted or declined by VOYOLink or Manager SE.
  • Once a customer is linked, diagnostic alerts will be posted as an “Alert” in your Manager SE and your VOYOLink accounts.
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

My Shops (Navigating the site as a shop)

  • The “My Shops” page allows you to manage customers and their vehicles connected to your shop.
  • At the top of the page, the “My Shops” table lists the shops connected to VOYOLink and the number of vehicles connected to each shop.
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

Linked Vehicles

  • The Linked Vehicles table provides an overview on the current status of vehicles connected to your shop. It includes status updates if a vehicle has a diagnostic alert and/or a customer has sent a message or Link requests.
  • Other relevant vehicle information is displayed in this table including make/year/model of vehicle, VIN, type of device.
  • Customers can optionally share the “last known location” of the vehicle. If available, the date will appear as a hyperlink in the date column.
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

My Customers

  • The My Customers table enables shops to manage customers connected to your shops. It includes information on how many customer vehicles are connected to a shop, and if these are fleet or personal vehicles.
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

Details Overview Screen

  • One of the most important VOYOLink features is the ability to see details on diagnostic alerts set on a vehicle. This screen will show active alerts as well as previously dismissed codes set on a vehicle.
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

DTC Screen

  • Click on an active alert, will bring up additional information including:
  • The code number and name
  • The time the code was set
  • The name of the controller
  • The code status: active, pending, historical
  • And if available, it will also show freeze frame data
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo

VOYO BTLE Controller

  • Entry level consumer device
  • Transfers data to the cloud connecting a user’s cell phone running the VOYO app
  • No annual data plan
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo Device

VOYO LTE Controller

  • Fleet device
  • Transfers data automatically to the cloud
  • Annual network subscription fee
  • Integrates with 3rd party fleet systems

VOYO Affiliate Program

  • Shops can make a commission by referring customers to Voyomotive for device purchase
  • Customers can buy BLTE devices online or LTE devices direct from the company
  • Voyomotive will drop ship devices to the customer and provides direct support as required
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyo Device
Mitchell 1 Manager SE Voyomotive Affiliate

Want more? Here’s how you can get a free 14 day trial of Manager SE:

Not a Manager SE customer yet? Get a FREE 14 day trial of Manager SE shop management software by clicking below. It's 100% free with no obligation to buy and no credit card required.

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Mitchell 1 Tim McDonnell

About the Author

Tim McDonnell

Tim McDonnell first joined Mitchell 1 in 1985 and is a senior product marketing manager for Manager SE. He has experience with various Mitchell 1 products and is the company’s primary media developer for product training assets and a subject matter expert in shop management software and other Mitchell 1 products. He also served as the Vice-Chair of the AMI Board of Trustees from 2009-2015. He is also the “voice of Mitchell 1” – you’ll hear him on the recorded message when you call the Mitchell 1 office.

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2023 Owned and Managed by John Lopez - Mitchell 1 Independent Sales Representative - (504) 289-0953 -